Canine Babesiosis

Oliver Organista, LA Canine babesiosis is a tick-borne, protozoal, haemoparasitic disease that can cause varying degrees of haemolytic anaemia, splenomegaly, thrombocytopenia and fever. It is very endemic to different parts of the world, and presents varying clinical, hematological, and pathological manifestation depending on the species and subspecies involved.1,2 There are two hosts for the transmission of Babesia spp., viz. invertebrate (tick) and vertebrate host. Dogs are one among the many targets of Babesia spp., causing canine babesiosis, […]

Thyroid Function in Animals

Sushant Sadotra Introduction: The thyroid is one of the endocrine glands in vertebrates. The thyroid gland has a bilobed structure located below the larynx and overlays the trachea in animals. In different animals, Anatomical variations of the thyroid are primarily seen in the isthmus connecting the gland’s two lobes. The size of the gland approximates […]