


Our Rapid Test is self-developed and manufactured in Taiwan, and boasts high accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity.

User- Friendly

Simple and easy-to-use diagnostic solution that can be conveniently stored at room temperature.

Tailored Solution

Our Rapid Test can be cost-effective and customized to meet all customer requirements and align with diverse marketing needs.


適用檢體 : 喉頭氣管分泌物、泄殖腔分泌物

檢測動物 : 鳥

反應時間 : 5-10 分鐘


適用檢體 : 口腔病灶或嗉囊拭子或糞便檢體

檢測動物 : 鳥

反應時間 : 5-10 分鐘


適用檢體 : 糞便

檢測動物 : 鳥

反應時間 : 5-10 分鐘

適用檢體 : 拭子、糞便、膿液、尿液

檢測動物 : 貓、犬

反應時間 : 12-24 小時


How do bioguard Test Kits works?

Applied sample containing analyte flowers to the labeled antibody.

Analyte binds with the labeled antibody to form an analyte-labeled antibody complex.

Then, this complex moves further to reach primary and secondary antibody. The test line captures this complex to form a labeled antibody-analyte-primary antibody sandwich complex, whereas the control line binds with the labeled antibody to assure proper functioning of the test.

Excess buffer proceeds to the absorbent pad.