

Hyperthyroidism is not a risk factor for subclinical bacteriuria in cats: A prospective cohort study


Subclinical bacteriuria is the presence of bacteria in urine with no clinical evidence of urinary tract infection (UTI). Some previous studies indicated that hyperthyroid cats are susceptible to UTIs (mostly subclinical) with prevalence rates of 12%-22%. As a result, many clinicians would recommend urine culture when evaluating hyperthyroid cats. To determine the true prevalence of subclinical bacteriuria in cats with hyperthyroidismIn, Eeterson M.E.’s group conducted a prospective cohort study.

Both hyperthyroid and euthyroid cats had urine collected by cystocentesis for complete urinalysis and culture. Data pertaining to age, sex, body condition, and serum thyroxine and creatinine concentrations also were acquired. Hyperthyroid cats showed a low prevalence of subclinical bacteriuria (4.3%), which did not differ from that found in euthyroid cats (4.6%) in this study. In addition, only female sex was a significant risk factor. In conclusion, hyperthyroid cats are not at risk for subclinical bacteriuria.