

Breed-related disease: Thai Cat

The Thai Cat is an old, but recently recognized breed that is related to the Siamese cat originated in Thailand, where it is actually referred to as the Wichien-Maat, which translates to “moon diamond.” This breed is also commonly referred to as the Traditional, or Old-Style, Siamese.

In the 1800s, the first Wichien-Maat cats arrived in Great Britain as a gift to the royal family, where they soon become very popular. The Western breeders renamed the breed to Siamese and started to improve its looks with selective breeding. Thus emerged a cat with finely boned slimmer body, longer head, and more intense sapphire blue eyes.

Eventually, the new-styled Siamese was the center of attention and many breeders preferred the new look over the original one.

Luckily in the 1950s, some breeders enjoyed the original appearance of these cats and started to breed them to get the original qualities back into the breed. At this point, the two breeds started to diverge.

And in 1990, the Thai name was given to cats that had the classic look of Traditional Siamese cats. Finally, in 2009, TICA gave the Thai an Advanced New Breed status.
The Thai cat is a shorthaired cat breed that has a flat, short coat that is soft. Their bodies feature medium-sized bones in the legs, head, and tail. And they have a wedge-shaped muzzle, ears that are broad at the base, and a long, flat forehead that distinguishes it from other pointed breeds. These cats also have striking blue eyes that complement their pointed coat beautifully.

The Thai is an attention-seeking and demanding breed that craves human companionship. These cats form deep bonds with their owners and will follow them around the house, this breed doesn’t understand the concept of privacy, and the Thai will shadow your every move . While being the center of your cat’s universe has its perks, this amount of devotion can sometimes be too much!

Health and Potential Health Problems

The Thai is generally a healthy breed that can live very long. Although they aren’t prone to an array of genetic health problems like some other cat breeds, certain issues have been observed in these cats.


This doesn’t mean that your cat is going to be affected. However, it is better to learn about any potential problems before bringing a new cat home.


Crossed eyes : This condition occurs when small muscles in the eye are stretched out and don’t allow normal movements of the eye. A cat can be born with this condition or develop it later in life. Cats that are born with it don’t experience any problems and have normal lives. However, if the condition appears later in life it is usually because of an underlying issue. Symptoms include uncoordinated eye movement, lack of movement in one eye, seizures, and lethargy. Treatment varies depending on the underlying issue and can include antibiotics or surgery.

Kinked Tail : This condition is caused by a recessive gene and it is sometimes seen in Thai Cats. This means that even though both parents have normal tails a kitten can be born with a curled or kinked tail. This condition doesn’t affect the health of a cat. However, affected cats are disqualified from show rings.

Gangliosidosis : It’s an inherited disease that causes a cat to lack an enzyme that is required to metabolize certain lipids., excess fats accumulate within the cells disrupting their normal function. Symptoms include in-coordinate walk, enlarged liver, tremors, and visual impairment They are usually observed in kittens between 1 to 5 months of age. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this disease and the affected kittens die when they are 8 months old. However, DNA testing is available and is used to improve breeding programs.



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